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Way of the Dodo by Brian Gott

News Archives
January-March, 2007

February 26, 2007


At the tail end of January, a member of my family had to be rushed to the hospital with what turned out to be a serious condition. I'd prefer not to go into any greater detail than that. I will say that the crisis isn't quite over, but it seems like we're most of the way out of the woods now.
    Sadly, that doesn't mean I'm ready to resume the comic. Not quite yet.
    The patient is recuperating at home, and I find myself in the role of full time caregiver. Right now, that's far more important than pressuring myself to finish the next Dodo comic.
    Don't get me wrong -- I do look forward to resuming the comic. That's partly due to the fact that I just can't seem to walk away from Oswald and company, no matter how hard I try. But mostly, it's the fact that the comic's resumption will (hopefully!) be an indication that this current crisis is past and things have returned to some semblance of normal.
    Again, thanks for your patience. Just bear with me a little longer. We're going to get through this.

March 16, 2007


Thank you all for your patience and concern. Progress is slow but steady. My patient continues to have more good days and fewer not-so-good days.
    Meanwhile, I had hoped to avoid turning this into a request for money. But the truth is that finances are getting tight.
    Now, I know some states have programs by which a person can be paid for serving as a caregiver for a family member. I've been trying to find out if Ohio is one of those states. So far this is turning out to be one of the great unsolvable mysteries of the Universe, comparable to the true identity of Jack the Ripper or the question of how the builders of Stonehenge persuaded the aliens to help them. Update: So far the answer appears to be "no."
    Any help that any of you could throw me would be greatly appreciated. I'm going to prepare a cast-picture wallpaper to give out as a thank-you for anyone who donates and provides an email address. (Unless someone has a better -- and feasible -- idea.)
    Caregiving is a full-time job, don't get me wrong. Of course, if it can't be a paying job, I'm still going to stick to it as long as my services are needed. But if I can make it a paying job, it would be helpful. Again, any information would be greatly appreciated.

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Copyright © 2003-2008 Brian Gott. Read it, dig it, but don't redistribute it!
There is no intended resemblance between anything in the comic and anyone or anything outside the comic.

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